Church Council
Chairperson: Harry Wheat
Vice-Chairperson: Steve Watkins
Lay Leader: Wayne Byrd
Lay Member to Annual Conference: Faye LaBoone
Treasurer: Robert Donald
Recording Secretary: Karen Byrd and/or Carol Ann Norsworthy
Chairperson of Finance: Jim Sanders
Chairperson of Pastor Parish Relations: Bobby Fulcher
Chairperson of Trustees: Edward Kramer
Chairperson of Ministries: Elaine Read
Sunday School Superintendent: Oliver Hopkins
Family Ministries Coordinator: Ann Blackburn
Chairperson of Worship: Rev. Hiram Coker
President of UMW: Patsy Smith
Youth Coordinators: Jaynice & Steven Neely
Youth Fellowship President: Mallory Holland
Children's Ministry Coordinator: Cindy Coker
Chairperson of Preschool: Cheryl Waltman
Chairperson of Memorial Committee: Rosemary Hopkins
Disaster Response Team Coordinator: William Read
Membership Secretary: Elaine Read
Communications/Media Chairperson: Carrie Holloman
Music Director: Robby Daniels
Other Members of the Church Board:
Steve Watkins, Glenda Dobbins, Celia Holloman, Glenda Fulcher, Helen Stevens
(Honorary Member: Charles Davis
"We love Him because He first loved us."
1 John 4:9-10